Useful websites for the parish and surrounding area 

Local Organisations

Naunton Music  - 
St Andrews Church 

Naunton Cricket Club -  Latest cricket fixtures list

Village Hall Committee Chairman - Alison Pinner

Village Hall Bookings - Pat Boult (850586) or Angela Cossey (850767)

Naunton Recreation Field hire enquiries - email  Latest diary for the Recreation Field
Social Committee Chair -
Country Market - Vanessa Gatford -
​Naunton Oil Club - Maria Evans email:

Naunton Dovecote -  email -

Local History Group -
Naunton Downs Golf Course

​Baptist Chapel burial grounds -   Access to the lower burial ground is via the path between the Baptist Chapel and The Manse.  The upper, older burial ground has been retained by the Baptist Union and is accessed by prior arrangement with the residents of the deconsecrated Baptist Chapel with 'reasonable notice' (legally, this is a letter requesting access not sooner than 48 hours from receipt).  Please write or email for access. The route is through a side gate from the memorial courtyard (or through the Chapel) and then through the Chapel gardens. For information about ashes interred in the burial ground please contact Pat Boult  (01451 850586) who maintains the records.

For historic photographs of the Baptist Chapel please visit the 'Naunton on Cotswolds' Facebook page.

Cotswold District Council
Contact your local District Councillor - Len Wilkins email: 
Cotswold District Council -
Latest bin collection & recycling information

Gloucestershire County Council
Contact your local County Councillor - Mark McKenzie-Charrington email:
Gloucestershire County Council -
Report a variety of issues online to the County Council using the Report an Issue link.

The local PCSO for Naunton is the Stow-on-the-Wold team and can be contacted on  
01452 907273 (Always call 999 in an emergency) and
You can also sign up for regular local police alerts here

In a real emergency (where life or health is threatened) call 999,
The NHS non emergency 111 number should be used when:

  • you need medical help fast but it's not a 999 emergency.
  • you think you need to go to A&E or need another NHS urgent care service.
  • you don't know who to call or you don't have a GP to call.
  • you need health information or reassurance about what to do next.

Emergency Planning
Visit Cotswold District Council's website for up-to-date information on the District's multi-agency response to major emergencies in the county.

Snow Warden
The Snow Warden for Naunton is Robert Hicks.  He can be contacted on 01451 850981.

Naunton Flood Group

Please email the Parish Council at for Flood Group matters. 

Find your local Post Office.